Music >> Artists >> Latino

30 Grandes Éxitos, Marisela


December 20th, 2013


Years Active:
'80s, '90s, '00s



Known as the Latin Madonna, Marisela issued her first album at the age of 15. A native of Los Angeles, her sexy outfits and blond hair contributed as much to her fame as her girlish vocal style. Despite the seemingly superficial nature of her music, Marisela managed to have a relatively long-lived career, issuing albums well into the '90s. . Known as the Latin Madonna, Marisela issued her first album at the age of 15. A native of Los Angeles, her sexy outfits and blond hair contributed as much to her fame as her girlish vocal style. Despite the seemingly superficial nature of her music, Marisela managed to have a relatively long-lived career, issuing albums well into the '90s.

Top Albums

30 Grandes Éxitos, Marisela
1. 30 Grandes


US iTunes, App Store, iBookstore, and Mac App Store
US iTunes, App Store, iBookstore, and Mac App Store

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