Music >> Albums >> Rock

iTunes Price: $1.29

Genre: Rock

Released: Jan 20, 2015

Customer Ratings

(47 Ratings)

Dial Tones – Single – As It Is

View More By As It Is

Customer Reviews

Amazing! (5 stars)
This song is there best song that they've written and I can't wait to listen to their full debut album

I believe in As It Is (5 stars)
These guys are taking off and deserve every opportunity coming their way. You could tell that the boys of / // have poured every ounce of genuine passion into this record and it shouldn't go unnoticed. Highlight of the Dial tones would be Ben Biss' vocals - they have never been better. Buy the single. Buy the record. Go to the shows. These dudes are not to be missed.

Awesome! (5 stars)
I'm so proud of Patty and the band so far


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