Top Songs |
| Name | Album | Time | Price | |
1. | Breath Meditation Release | Goodbye Anxiety: Goodbye Fe.. | 5:27 | $0.99 | |
2. | Introduction to Goodbye Anxiety, Goo.. | Goodbye Anxiety: Goodbye Fe.. | 4:18 | $0.99 | |
3. | Barrier Meditation Training | Goodbye Worries | 7:28 | $0.99 | |
4. | Introduction to Goodbye Worries | Goodbye Worries | 3:44 | $0.99 | |
5. | Countdown to Sleep-10 Minutes-raise .. | Sleep Solutions | 5:37 | $0.99 | |
6. | Countdown to Sleep-five Minutes-rais.. | Sleep Solutions | 8:30 | $0.99 | |
7. | Introduction to Sleep Solutions | Sleep Solutions | 3:10 | $0.99 | |
8. | Sleep Relaxation Meditation | Sleep Solutions | 30:51 | Album Only | |
9. | Hypnosis/Relaxation Meditation | Goodbye Worries | 21:58 | Album Only | |
10. | Relaxation Meditation Training | Goodbye Worries | 12:04 | Album Only | |
11. | Breath and Music Meditation | Goodbye Worries | 15:06 | Album Only | |
12. | General Fears (Doctors, Dentists, So.. | Goodbye Anxiety: Goodbye Fe.. | 22:09 | Album Only | |
13. | Fear of Flying | Goodbye Anxiety: Goodbye Fe.. | 26:20 | Album Only | |
14. | Fear of Driving | Goodbye Anxiety: Goodbye Fe.. | 19:43 | Album Only | |
15. | Introduction to the Weight Is Over | Weight Is Over : Hypnosis/M.. | 3:24 | $0.99 | |
16. | Hypnosis | Weight Is Over : Hypnosis/M.. | 23:36 | Album Only | |
17. | Self Hypnosis Training | Weight Is Over : Hypnosis/M.. | 6:53 | $0.99 | |
18. | Meditations: A. Gratitude Meditation.. | Weight Is Over : Hypnosis/M.. | 26:48 | Album Only | |