Top Songs |
| Name | Album | Time | Price | |
1. | Hallelujah (The Voice Performance) | Hallelujah (The Voice Perfo.. | 4:00 | $1.29 | |
2. | Story of My Life (The Voice Performa.. | Story of My Life (The Voice.. | 3:46 | $1.29 | |
3. | Wrecking Ball (The Voice Performance.. | Wrecking Ball (The Voice Pe.. | 3:28 | $1.29 | |
4. | Cough Syrup (The Voice Performance) | Cough Syrup (The Voice Perf.. | 3:34 | $1.29 | |
5. | Beneath Your Beautiful (The Voice Pe.. | Beneath Your Beautiful (The.. | 3:38 | $1.29 | |
6. | Cosmic Love (The Voice Performance) | Cosmic Love (The Voice Perf.. | 3:30 | $1.29 | |
7. | When a Man Loves a Woman (The Voice .. | When a Man Loves a Woman (T.. | 2:36 | $1.29 | |
8. | My Songs Know What You Did In the Da.. | My Songs Know What You Did .. | 3:06 | $1.29 | |