Music >> Artists >> Alternative
2006 in London, England


Years Active:
'00s, '10s



Emerging from London, England in the mid- to late 2000s as an up-and-coming indie pop band, Fanfarlo got their name out with a series of singles, a strong Internet presence, and an engaging live show that took them as far as the South by Southwest festival in Austin, Texas. Citing influences such as Broken Social Scene, Pavement, Neutral Milk Hotel, Olivia Tremor Control, Belle & Sebastian, and Sufjan Stevens, the band comprises Simon Balthazer (vocals), Mark West (guitar), Leon Beckenham (trumpet), Cathy Lucas (violin), Justin Finch (bass), and Amos Memon (drums). They released their first single, Talking Backwards, in 2006 on Fortuna Pop. It was followed by You Are One of the Few Outsiders Who Really Understands Us/In the Trunk (2007, Fandango), Fire Escape/We Live by the Lake (2007, White Heat Records), and Harold T. Wilkins (2008, Felt Tip Records). The band released its debut album, Reservoir, in 2009. In 2012, Fanfarlo returned with its more synth and new wave-inspired sophomore effort, Rooms Filled with Light, which enjoyed many favorable reviews from the music press. The following year they released an EP, The Sea, which launched their exploration into the concept of human nature, taking a utopian, futuristic outlook of culture and science. Following the release of the EP, the band returned to the studio to record its third full-length album, Let's Go Extinct — which continued along the same theme as The Sea. During sessions at the studio, drummer Amos Memon departed the group and was swiftly replaced by Valentina Magaletti. The completed album was released in early 2014. ~ Jason Birchmeier & Scott Kerr, Rovi. Emerging from London, England in the mid- to late 2000s as an up-and-coming indie pop band, Fanfarlo got their name out with a series of singles, a strong Internet presence, and an engaging live show that took them as far as the South by Southwest festival in Austin, Texas. Citing influences such as Broken Social Scene, Pavement, Neutral Milk Hotel, Olivia Tremor Control, Belle & Sebastian, and Sufjan Stevens, the band comprises Simon Balthazer (vocals), Mark West (guitar), Leon Beckenham (trumpet), Cathy Lucas (violin), Justin Finch (bass), and Amos Memon (drums). They released their first single, Talking Backwards, in 2006 on Fortuna Pop. It was followed by You Are One of the Few Outsiders Who Really Understands Us/In the Trunk (2007, Fandango), Fire Escape/We Live by the Lake (2007, White Heat Records), and Harold T. Wilkins (2008, Felt Tip Records). The band released its debut album, Reservoir, in 2009. In 2012, Fanfarlo returned with its more synth and new wave-inspired sophomore effort, Rooms Filled with Light, which enjoyed many favorable reviews from the music press. The following year they released an EP, The Sea, which launched their exploration into the concept of human nature, taking a utopian, futuristic outlook of culture and science. Following the release of the EP, the band returned to the studio to record its third full-length album, Let's Go Extinct — which continued along the same theme as The Sea. During sessions at the studio, drummer Amos Memon departed the group and was swiftly replaced by Valentina Magaletti. The completed album was released in early 2014. ~ Jason Birchmeier & Scott Kerr, Rovi

Top Albums

You Are One of the Few Outsiders Who Really Understands Us - Single, Fanfarlo
1. You Are One ..
Reservoir, Fanfarlo
2. Reservoir
Reservoir (Deluxe Version), Fanfarlo
3. Reservoir (D..
iTunes Session - EP, Fanfarlo
4. iTunes Sessi..
Let's Go Extinct, Fanfarlo
5. Let's Go Ext..
Deconstruction - Single, Fanfarlo
6. Deconstructi..
Rooms Filled With Light, Fanfarlo
7. Rooms Filled..
Fire Escape - EP, Fanfarlo
8. Fire Escape ..
The Sea - EP, Fanfarlo
9. The Sea - EP
Talking Backwards - Single, Fanfarlo
10. Talking Back..

Top Songs

LandlockedLet's Go Extinct3:46$0.99
Harold T. Wilkins, or How to Wait fo..Reservoir4:01$1.29
Walls Are Coming DownReservoir4:15$1.29
You Are One of the Few Outsiders Who..You Are One of the Few Outs..3:06$0.99
Elephant GraveyardKids at the Club: An Indiep..3:38$0.99
Distance (Tom Furse Extrapolation)Let's Go Extinct6:38$0.99
White MiceLet's Go Extinct5:07$0.99
Let's Go ExtinctLet's Go Extinct5:59$0.99
Beginning and the EndLet's Go Extinct4:48$0.99
Grey and GoldLet's Go Extinct5:02$0.99
Painting with LifeLet's Go Extinct3:52$0.99
We're the FutureLet's Go Extinct4:42$0.99
DistanceLet's Go Extinct4:02$0.99
Myth of Myself (A Ruse to Exploit Ou..Let's Go Extinct4:27$0.99
Cell SongLet's Go Extinct4:18$0.99
Life in the SkyLet's Go Extinct6:13$0.99
Witchi Tai ToSea - EP3:25$1.29
WildernessSea - EP4:48$1.29
SeaSea - EP5:01$1.29
DistanceSea - EP4:05$1.29
Everything ResolvesRooms Filled With Light0:38$0.99
FloodRooms Filled With Light4:37$0.99
DigRooms Filled With Light3:09$0.99
BonesRooms Filled With Light4:47$0.99
FeathersRooms Filled With Light3:51$0.99

Top Music Videos

The Walls Are Coming Down, Fanfarlo
1. The Walls Are...
Harold T. Wilkins, or How to Wait for a Very Long Time, Fanfarlo
2. Harold T. Wil...
Fire Escape, Fanfarlo
3. Fire Escape
Shiny Things, Fanfarlo
4. Shiny Things
Deconstruction, Fanfarlo
5. Deconstructio...
Cell Song, Fanfarlo
6. Cell Song


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