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Genre: Hip-Hop/Rap

Released: Feb 13, 2014

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Ten Times Outa 1 – Single – Dr. Dre

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Sucked (1 star)
I heard it's not Dr. Dre, I really hope it's not


Born: February 18, 1965 in Los Angeles, CA
Genre: Hip-Hop/Rap
Years Active: '80s, '90s, '00s, '10s

More than any other rapper, Dr. Dre was responsible for moving away from the avant-noise and political stance of Public Enemy and Boogie Down Productions as well as the party vibes of old-school rap. Instead, Dre pioneered gangsta rap and his own variation of the sound, G-funk. BDP's early albums were hardcore but cautionary tales of the criminal mind, but Dre's records with N.W.A. celebrated the hedonistic, amoralistic side of gang life. Dre was never much of a rapper — his rhymes were simple...

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Ten Times Outa 1Dr. Dre3:12$0.99


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